MPG is a public affairs and strategic management consultancy that focuses on Russia and the Arabian Gulf region
MPG is a public affairs and strategic management consultancy that focuses on Russia and the Arabian Gulf region
MPG is a group of seasoned subject matter experts with years of experience in lobbying, fundraising, marketing, communications and law. Initially a public affairs agency with a focus on Russia, since 2018 we have been helping our customers open new markets in the Arabian Gulf.
MPG helps establish effective relations with government, policymakers and media in order to advocate client issues, promote their brand and raise acceptance among decision makers.
We help develop and implement strategies to access new markets. On your behalf, we establish relations with local governments, arrange business partnerships and help with business development.
Liaising with sovereign and private funds in the Arabian Gulf we help our clients raise funds for projects ranging from mining to infrastructure and IT.
From monitoring to policy planning, from political risks assessment to conflict settlement proposals — our outreach helps provide our customers with insightful expertise and advise.