At MPG we strive to excel at one thing: connecting people for success of your business.
Public Affairs
At MPG we help establish effective relations with the government and policymakers to maintain a strong reputation and to advocate your issues, promote your brand and raise acceptance among decision makers.
We advocate your objectives in harmony with law and ethical standards. Leading our advocacy campaigns we aim to identify points of mutual interest between our clients and their Russian counterparts.
New Markets Strategy
When you have an eye on a new market in the Arabian Gulf, MPG is here to help. We help your business grow, from developing the market entry strategy to liaising with relevant government agencies, finding a local partner and signing the first contract.
Our value proposition is the unique knowledge of the market that our consultants possess: They stay on top of your business development process by diving deep into your products and services, working hand-in-hand with your sales team to help generate leads.
Investor Relations and Fundraising
Liaising with sovereign and private funds in the Arabian Gulf we help our clients raise funds for projects ranging from mining to infrastructure and IT. We provide sophisticated and holistic investor relations services to help them maximize the value of their companies. Our investor relations associates help raise funds for projects in various geographies as portfolio investments, working capital, equity and debt.
Analysis and Research
From monitoring to policy planning, from political risks assessment to conflict settlement proposals - our outreach helps provide our customers with insightful expertise and advise. Our team has vast experience in advising corporate clients, governments and international organizations, which trusted us to run a broad portfolio of projects ranging from regulatory monitoring to in-depth analysis of trends in armed conflicts in the Eastern Europe and in the Middle East.