• Alexey Potemkin
    Alexey Potemkin is the founder and CEO of the MPG. He has been in public affairs and international communications consulting since 2010. Implemented dozens of public affairs and lobbying projects in Russia and abroad.
    His experience includes working for the Foundation for Strategic Communications, SPN Ogilvy Public Relations and the International Committee of the Red Cross.
    Potemkin is an Alumni of the World Economic Forum Global Shapers Community. He is member of Board of the Russian Association for Technological Sovereignty Exports. He holds a Master Degree in regional studies from the Moscow State University.
  • Yury Barmin
    Yury is Partner, Director for the Middle East and North Africa at MPG.
    His primary professional focus is analysis and advisory with a focus on the Middle East. He has over 10 years of experience with government and corporate clients in the GCC advising them on investment opportunities, political risk as well as extensively covering Russia's role in regional affairs. Yury holds an MPhil Degree at the University of Cambridge.